The Global Team



The problem and the solution, Justin is the President of the Car Hacking Village and has been involved since 2015. He assists in leading the CTF and badge development teams. Aside from hacking things, he’s typically out in the woods enjoying nature!

Justin is no stranger to the security industry, his array of experience include, penetration testing, security lifecycle management, public speaking, running CTF (Capture the Flag) events, and training in the art of exploitation. Justin's varied expertise and background helps provide the perfect foundation of knowledge and understanding to assist in the growth of the automotive cybersecurity community.



Robert is the President of CanBusHack Inc., a security research firm focused on vehicle networks and embedded control systems. As a small team of electronic, software, and communication specialists, CanBusHack aims to understand how individual embedded systems operate and communicate.

Robert is an expert in reverse engineering cryptographic algorithms, embedded software and vehicle network controls. His enthusiasm and mindful approach toward discovering security-related concerns within automobiles, for the good of the industry and the safety of the public, is contagious.

Robert co-founded Car Hacking Village in 2015 and made its inaugural debut at the DefCON 23 Conference in Las Vegas.


Kamel Ghali is a multilingual automotive cybersecurity veteran of over 6 years, having worked in the industry as a professional car hacker, automotive penetration tester, training developer and delivery expert, and overall automotive security consultant. He loves teaching others about vehicle security and car hacking, and has given hands-on courses in the US, Japan, the Middle East, and more. He’s the head of Car Hacking Village Japan and also supports organizations such as the Auto-ISAC and ASRG.

For the record, he also makes the best pizza north of Tokyo. Detroit style baby!



Ian Tabor leads the Car Hacking Village UK at several different events; Bsides Leads, Bsides Wales, Bsides Brussels, Bsides Stuttgart, 44Con, Bsides Manchester, Bsides Bristol, Bsides Liverpool, Bsides Scotland, and many more.

His dedication to helping the car hacking community with his car hacking platform (named PD0) and his work on car hacking hardware (nano-canbus) make Ian an amazing asset to the CHV and to the car hacking community… despite the fact that he calls a vehicle’s trunk by the wrong name.


Jay Turla leads the the Car Hacking Village Asia activities. Currently only appearing in the Philippines (RootCon). CHV(A) is our latest branch. We thank Jay and his team for helping us connect with the Car Hacking Community. Even if he is from Earth.

An ex-seminarian turned infosec enthusiast, security consultant and penetration tester. Jay has been acknowledged and rewarded by Facebook, Adobe, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mozilla, etc. for responsible disclosures.